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E-Learning Increase Security Awareness

E-Learning Increase Security Awareness


E-Learning Increase Security Awareness


The customer wanted to strengthen and increase the Security Awareness of the employees in the critical power plants of the organisation. The e-learning materials should be developed, and the principles of security management should be communicated through the training to the team. This was to be implemented across various functions of the team (managers, workers).


After the analysis of the crisis management manual and the process within the power plants, the critical issues for the training were identified. In consultation with the customer and in accordance with their crisis management manual, the training documents including one-page security instruction and corresponding questionnaire with pictures and possible answers were developed.
The project focused on the development and subsequent implementation of a training (e-learning) in which main points of the security-conscious behavior were presented. The understanding of the critical security awareness issues and the potential actions in case of the insecure situation were practiced and improved.


Identification of critical processes and critical issues

Development of the training materials such as security instruction and corresponding questionnaire

Integration of the security e-learning in the registration process before accessing the organisation