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Security Awareness Kampagne

Security Awareness Kampagne


Security Awareness Kampagne:


The customer wanted to strengthen and increase their organisation’s security awareness after the long time spent in home office. The following goals should be achieved: raising employees’ awareness for security topics, show employees how to contribute to their security on site, equip employees with information to help them applying the wanted security-conscious behavior and explain employees the important role they play in ensuring security – integration of “Security only works collectively” state of mind.



After an initial assessment of the existing security-relevant processes and measures at the customer’s location, the objectives of the security awareness plan and the realisation recommendations were determined.
In consultation with the customer and in accordance with their organisation’s policies, the necessary information such as communication of the rules on security behaviour to employees were transferred into practical suggestions how to draw employee’s attention to the security topics and how to react in the insecure situations. Developed materials were presented to the customer with further suggestions on how to implement and incorporate them into their organisation´s daily routines.


Identification of critical processes and critical issues

Setting the goals for the security awareness plan

Develop practical suggestions for materials that can be used in day-to-day operations